When it comes to delivering a great tournament experience, The Gene Harrington Hockey Tournaments understands the importance of providing only the best when it comes to your hotel accommodations. Consequently, we offer only the finest hotel properties that the Rochester area has to offer. Hotel pricing does vary, but all of our hotels offer comparable amenities such as spacious rooms, restaurants, cocktail lounges, indoor pools, video arcades, and hospitality suites, and are located in close proximity to several shopping malls, hundreds of local dining establishments, tourist attractions, and most importantly our hockey rinks. We offer properties on both sides of the border and reassure you that crossing the border has never been a problem.
Gene Harrington Tournaments works closely with Pellucid Travel to source the best hotels and contract with a variety of hotels to fit all accommodation needs.
Pellucid Travel works closely with our lodging partners to track team reservations, work to make sure that there are enough rooms, and secure excellent rates for all teams attending each event. They are committed to working with tournaments around the world to provide a high-quality travel and lodging experience that fits the individual needs of each team attending.